Thursday, July 15, 2010

Arts and Aesthetics, Day 4: Visual Art

Today we watched a slide show that featured various depictions of Jesus through the ages and from multiple cultural perspectives.  It was interesting to see how many variations there are, and how many of those depend on the artist's culture and circumstances.

Then we drew, sketched, painted, etc. and shared our creations with the rest of the class.  Everyone did a good job, I think.  I'll try to post my piece on the blog this weekend.

After our art projects, we took a field trip to the Art Institute and did a great exercise that John calls "double-parked at the Louvre."  We scattered for one hour, each looking for one piece of art that really hooked us.  Then we re-grouped and went from piece to piece, with each person explaining why the particular work they chose appealed to them.

It's hard to believe tomorrow's the last day of my stay in Chicago.  We'll do final presentations in class all day, and then I'll be flying back to North Carolina.  It'll be great to be home, but it will be hard to be away from all the wonderful people I've met and experiences that I've had over the past eight days.