Saturday, July 10, 2010

Margot Adler is a Pagan Rock Star

After day two of Margot Adler's course on Contemporary Paganism, I can make a couple of observations:

1. Paganism, in its contemporary form, is about as intellectually/spiritually diverse a religion as can be found. A multiplicity of ideas, ideals and deities permeates the movement. The large umbrella groups that have become dominant in the Pagan world serve as a means for these diverse groups (and solitary individuals) to gather together (at festivals or online) and feel that they are part of a larger community. The future of the movement will depend on the success of its leaders in maintaining some sense of cohesiveness without employing the strong hand of authoritarianism that is anathema to all Pagans.

2. Margot Adler must know 5,000 chants, and, with even the slightest bit of encouragement, will energetically, enthusiastically and soulfully (!) sing them for you. She's a great teacher, too. Her energy is amazing. And, like all the best people in the world she is as compassionate as she is intelligent. She's discouraged about the future of the country and the world, but her energy defies discouragement. Let the spiral dance continue!